


Naavya Sukesh Shetty, Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Maharashtra

Once, Life and Death, Spoke to one another- Death complaining about The tricks of the other.Death said that people feared him And loved Life most of all. Although Life would treacherously leave And then Death would embrace all. He felt that life ought not Claim all of the praise- But leave some for death too As, unfortunately, wasn’t the case. Life just smiled and said- Her words soft and shy- “You are the bitter truth, And I’m the beautiful lie” And, Oh! So true are her words, Her words so full of wisdom- People believe in this life, a lie, Thinking – “Death is yet to come” But none of us control The inexorable Wheel of Fate; Death WILL come like a hungry predator- For that’s its duty, not out of hate. So be detached from the cunning Controversies and traps of life; Be at peace with your soul And armed for the game called Life.

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