

Article Category - Poem

Name of the Article – Two Sides

Name of the School – Wisdom High International School, Nashik.

Two Sides

When stopping at a crossroads,

I take time to decide;

but thinking makes it difficult,

for there are two sides to every mind.

One side of me is lulled to sleep,

by soothing sounds of night,

the other side stays awake,

like a shining light.

One side of me says,

“Go home! You have work to do!”

the other side says,

“Keep on going! What you want matters, too.”

One side of me is colourful,

the other is black and white,

one side of me is topsy turvy,

the other is quite polite.

Name of the Article – Race Is Unaccountable

Name of the School – Army Public School, Bolarum, Secunderabad.

Race Is Unaccountable?

Equality implies individuality. -Trey Anastasio

Think again, was it his culpability?

For being born with a race,

which he couldn’t change?

Colour is just a hue,

at long last, all that matters,

is your persona.

He was just like you and me,

all but innocent as a lamb!

But little did you know.

Gone for no fault of his,

did he deserve it?

Think again, was it his fault?

For being born with a race,

which he couldn’t change?

Thee aren’t inexorable,

deem the actions and thoughts of thyself,

for deep within you know,

it was your fault.

Name of the Article – Be the one you are

Name of the School – Dev International School, Jajpur road.

Be the one who you are

Be the one who you are

Nourishing, growing and brave you are

Living the life of a human is itself a blessing

Genetial differences creating around new livings

In this world of complexity lies a pinch of integrity

Let the people accept or reject your ingenuity

Forget all the formerly episodes

Forgive all the blunders

Be loving ,smiling and caring who you are

Be the one who you are

Name of the Article – Free

SPIN ID – 222930544105

Name of the School – National Public School, Bangalore.


Chirp little bird, chirp

For thee are so free

Please sing a beautiful song for me?

Thy words are so sweet

While thee make a beat with thy feet

Thee twirl and swirl

When thee are so happy

While I watch thou gladly

I wish to be happy like thee

Name of the Article – The Night

SPIN ID – 213617856101

Name of the School – Bharrtiya Vidhya Bhavans Atmakuri Rama Rao School, Hyderabad.

The night

The night was quite

The night was peaceful

The night was warm

The night dogs barked


The night crickets were

creating a full orchestra

The night owls were hooting

Name of the Article – A Beautiful Lie

Name of the School – Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane.

A Beautiful Lie

Once, Life and Death,

Spoke to one another-

Death complaining about

The tricks of the other.

Death said that people feared him

And loved Life most of all.

Although Life would treacherously leave

And then Death would embrace all.

He felt that life ought not

Claim all of the praise-

But leave some for death too

As, unfortunately, wasn’t the case.

Life just smiled and said-

Her words soft and shy-

“You are the bitter truth,

And I’m the beautiful lie”

And, Oh! So true are her words,

Her words so full of wisdom-

People believe in this life, a lie,

Thinking – “Death is yet to come”

But none of us control

The inexorable Wheel of Fate;

Death WILL come like a hungry predator-

For that’s its duty, not out of hate.

So be detached from the cunning

Controversies and traps of life;

Be at peace with your soul

And armed for the game called Life.

Article Category - Others

Name of the Article – Problems faced by farmers in India

SPIN ID – 212713047104

Name of the School – Empyrean School , Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.


India is believed to be one of the biggest developing democracies in the world. India has a vast population of people, most of them who are farmers. They are the people who served you lunch today.

Indian farmers live the same way they used to decades ago. Most probably, because agriculture is no more a profit-making profession for them. Listed below are the various problems that are faced by our country’s farmers.

Unavailability of good quality seeds

As we all know, seeds are the basic unit of agriculture; just as cells are the basic unit of a human body. There is a lack of good quality seeds in India. Even if they are available, they are so expensive that the poor farmers cannot afford them. Due to this reason, the farmers cannot produce good quality crops and this results to the farmers loss. They don’t get the high quality seeds because of which, they are compelled to use the traditional crops. 

Inadequate water supply

Most of us are already aware how much the villagers suffer for clean and hygienic water supply. 75% of rural India’s population do not get access to clean water, and this population includes the farmers as well. The water that they get cannot fulfill their daily needs. About 200,000 people die every year for lack of access to safe water. India is currently facing the biggest crisis in its history.

India’s water shortage is often attributed to the lack of prior planning, increased corporate privatization. In addition, water scarcity in India is expected to be much worst as the overall population is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by year 2050.

This is unbelievable but true. In these harsh times, the situation with the farmers is even more worse. The farmers don’t the exact amount of water required by the crops due to which, most sensitive crops die.

Modern Facilities are not in use

India’s farmers are considered to be much more hardworking than any other country globally. As I have said before too that the farmers live the same way they used to live years ago. In most of the states, farmers follow primitive cultivation methods. Traditional plough and old accessories are in use even today. Despite modern facilities being used widely, most farmers of our country prefer using manual equipments, because of which huge stocks are not produced in bulk.

Suicides by Farmers

We all are aware that we completely depend on the farmers of our country for our daily diet. Farmers are considered to be the backbone of the Indian economy. But we need to make sure we are taking a good care of the backbone, which we are not doing. It is our utmost priority to take care of the backbone. The number of farmer suicides increase every day. There are many reasons; indebtedness, poverty, farming related issues, family problems and the list continues ahead.

A farmer sacrifices somuch for his country’s people and we cannot do anything to help them. Farmers live in grief and suffer through tough situations, they end up giving their lives just for us. The Indian farmers mostly, are not paid for the work done by them. All of the above reasons lead to the suicide of farmers. Even after so much being happening, many cases are neglected and are left unnoticed.


We have went through almost every problem faced by the farmers of our Nation. If we want farmers to be living the way we are, we first need to change their mindset and then their lifestyle. We cannot force anyone to do something they are not willing to. We must solve all the above listed problems in  order to improve the lifestyle of farmers. If we do the same, India will be no longer called ‘A developing country’ but hopefully ‘A developed country’.

Name of the Article – Environment

SPIN ID – 212911537100

Name of the School – Mount Litera Zee School, Bangalore




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