01. All the inclusions of Model D
01. Guided assistance to implement the fluency programme through C2C
02. Teachers’ Manual for Curriculum Integration (For Level 1 only)
03. Guideline Manual for teachers (HS4A)
04. Assessment Sheets for fluency programme – C2C through HS4A
05. On-the-spot Star Performers certificate for C2C activities through HS4A
06. Complimentary access to Certificate Course in Pronunciation of Speech Sounds in English Language (Any one of two)
07. Complimentary enrolment to Certificate Course on Phraseology (Any one of two)
08. English Olympiad for teachers (Free entry for 10 teachers)
01. A1-sized Phonetic Chart Poster for all classrooms
02. Interactive Phonetic Chart for Smart Boards
03. Classroom posters on recommended books with their authors and reviews for all classrooms
04. 101 Captivating Wall posters on Language Development
05. Special Plaque as SpellBee International’s Centre of Excellence along with the School name and logo
06. Whole School Assessment
01. National / International Teachers’ Seminars/ Knowledge Exchange Programmes
02. Complimentary access to Language Leadership Programme
Our Fluency Project, emphasising a global outlook and nurturing LSRW skills, proudly collaborates with HS4A and the prestigious World Academy of Art and Science, founded by luminaries such as Sir Albert Einstein.
SpellBee International is a trailblazing educational research organisation that has revolutionised English language education for over 15 years, serving more than 6000 schools and certifying over 10,00,000 students. Founded in 2010 by a team of visionary social engineers, seasoned educationalists, and international researchers, we have tirelessly worked towards bringing about a paradigm shift in language education.
SpellBee International Language for Life is a registered trademark under the Trademarks Act, 1999.
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